CASETalks raises awareness about the impact photography has on effecting change. Each month, CASE presents a discussion with an educator, curator, or nonprofit to talk about issues important to their practice and how photography helps educate their audience. We look forward to presenting ideas that foster dialogue and action

February 2023
Robert Ardovino
Sitting 500 yards from the Mexico border, Ardovino's Desert Crossing is a restaurant, banquet hall, and Airbnb and recently home to border patrol, as the number of crossings has increased over the years. Robert Ardovino, co-owner of Ardovino's, shares his experiences about this complex issue.

January 2023
Lisa Volpe
Lisa Volpe, Curator of photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston... reality TV addict and dog lover. How and why museums collect is often mysterious. With amazing candor, Lisa Volpe explains how the MFAH approaches acquisitions, what she finds of interest, and how photographs affect change.

October 2022
"In Her Own Words"
Ada Trillo
As a first-generation Mexican American and mother, Ada Trillo’s mission is to give a voice to the people and stories often missing in the immigration conversation, capturing the essence of people who are being mistreated and visualizing their journeys.

September 2022
"In His Own Words"
Emeke Obanor
In 2014, Boko Haram abducted 276 girls from a school in the town of Chibok, Nigeria. Additionally, one in four girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18. Listen to the artist talk about these issues, and the hopes many of the girls he photographed have for their future.

April 9, 2022
"I MATTER at Expo Chicago"
CASE Art Fund & Donna Baiocchi
I MATTER, a photographic exhibition of children throughout the world holding hand-written signs in their native language, stating I MATTER.