Europe In The High Middle Ages: The Penguin His...
William Chester Jordan received his AB degree from Ripon College and his PhD in history from Princeton University. He is Dayton-Stockton Professor of History and served as Chairman of the Department of History at Princeton University (2008-2017), where he teaches courses on the Middle Ages. His books include Louis IX and the Challenge of the Crusade: A Study in Rulership (1979); From Servitude to Freedom: Manumission in the Sénonais in the Thirteenth Century (1986); The French Monarchy and the Jews from Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians (1989); Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial and Developing Societies (1993, Japanese translation 2004); The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century (1996), the winner of the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy of America; Europe in the High Middle Ages (2001), a volume in the Penguin History of Europe (Italian translation 2013; Chinese translation 2018); Unceasing Strife, Unending Fear: Jacques de Thérines and the Freedom of the Church in the Age of the Last Capetians (2005), A Tale of Two Monasteries: Westminster and Saint-Denis in the Thirteenth Century (2009), Men at the Center: Redemptive Governance under Louis IX (2012), From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages (2015). and The Apple of His Eye: Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX (2019, French translation 2020). His most recent book is Servant of the Crown and Steward of the Church: The Career of Philippe of Cahors (2020). Professor Jordan has also edited several encyclopedias for elementary school children, middle- and high school students, and scholars. 781b155fdc