Riteway Model 37 Wood Stove Manual [Extra Quality]
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Also, I know from experience that there are plenty of hokey models on the market that will probably blow up in your face. Some of them will even burn your house down. You want a real deal, well designed stove that will go at least 20 years with little maintenance. It won't be cheap, but I'm guessing you have the means to buy a really high quality stove.
The furnace is kind of an in between stove. It can burn wood, but it is designed to be sealed off and not an air exchanger. In winter, it is sealed, but in summer it is open. Is this a good comparison to a real wood stove?
Now, consider the following. We already have a wood burning furnace in our house. It is about the size of a 2-horsepower portable stove. But there is no air exchange between the furnace and the house. It is sealed off and therefore, the house doesn't dry out. It is airtight. The furnace has a door in it, but it is only open half the time. But in the cold, I open the door. And I admit, I'm not doing this for the hell of it, but I am doing it because I know that a wood stove should be open half the time. After all, it is a venting device, and I am venting the house.
I am also curious as to the economics of stoves and furnaces. If I want to go with a'real' stove, will that mean I won't be able to buy a furnace? If I went with a cheaper stove that wasn't as good, would I be getting a better furnace at lower cost?
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