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Now, the paper has become popular in the village. The villagers say they remember the time when there was only one TV set in the village, and they all watched the TV together. Now, there are three sets in the village.
The issue in question, which the villagers claim was in March, was one of the few times Guo had had to buy stamps. After the villagers complained to their village committee, the committee suggested that Guo pay the postage by buying stamps in small packs. But Guo said he can't afford to buy stamps in small packs, so he wants to revive the village paper.
Instead, he was using the paper to lobby for village interests and to criticize local officials. They started to appreciate him. A few villagers even said they weren't interested in his paper but it was good that Guo had taken on the hard work.
The villagers say they have always supported Guo's efforts. When they first heard of the plan to start a paper, they were so excited that they went door to door to gather signatures on the petition, said Yu Hao, one of the petition leaders.
The name “Guo” was the first thing the villagers suggested, but the family agreed to use the alternative spellings “Guo” and “guo” because it could be pronounced in both Chinese and in English. The village name, “Guo Village” , was chosen to reflect the village’s uniqueness, the fact that it is a village with two towns.
“In the village, the villagers call me the ‘mayor’ and I can’t escape it,” says Guo. “But I think it’s because I’m the head of the village newspaper. I’m not really the mayor, but I’m the best journalist in the village.”
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