Khurafat Full Movie
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Tidak seperti munafik, khurafat adalah film horor-religi yang unsur agama nya ga terlalu ditekankan malah lebih ke dampak penggunaan ilmu hitamnya (menyeleweng). Kalau saja filmnya ga terlalu gelap suasananya mungkin filmnya akan jadi lebih menarik serta enak diliat dan okelah Twistnya bekerja, Mantap!
The film is set around an hour of activity which takes us through a trip of nostalgia and mischief of a few students. The movie revolves around two friends that tear up a drawing in the art-room after being sarcastically taunted by the art teacher for having caught the class misbehaving. The monitor of the class, whom the two detest, catches them in the course of the act and threatens to report them to the teacher.
The ambience created by the colour palette of the location that the film is set in provides a soothing effect on the eye and creates a sense of warmth that radiates to the onlooker. The ever-imposing fear of getting caught by the teacher but they want to create chaos and have fun, which in hindsight seem to remain as the best memories, all unintentionally created in the spirit of comradery is what this movie is all about. 2b1af7f3a8