The Annual Monitor For 1882: Or Obituary Of The Members Of The Society Of Friends; In Great Britain
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Swiss Benevolent Society of PhiladelphiaSwiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia records, 1860-1990 (Collection MSS013) 8 boxes (2.8 linear ft.)The Swiss Benevolent Society was founded in 1860 to aid for needy Swiss immigrants coming into Philadelphia or New York City. In 1940, it affiliated itself with the New Helvetic Society. The collection includes bylaws, constitutions, correspondence, minutes, annual reports, legal documents, membership records, an organizational history, and uncataloged photographs. For related materials, see New Helvetic Society Records. This first part of this collection documents charitable and networking activities within the Swiss American community, as well as disaster and war relief, over a full century. Box 1 Folder 1 includes detailed accounts of the society's history. Annual reports are mostly complete for 1914-1972. Minutes appear to be complete for 1863-1972 and discuss finances, management of the society's real estate, allocation of funds to people in need, planning for the annual meetings, allocation and collection of funds for relief abroad, and incidental notes concerning individual members and the circumstances of individual claimants. Some minute books also contain listings of members and officers, with addresses, as well as dues payments. The correspondence folder contains a detailed account of the 1964 Alaska earthquake. The unprocessed additions to the Swiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia Records include constitution and bylaws, minutes, annual reports, correspondence, programs, photographs, clippings, financial and membership records, and other items. The collection includes a fairly complete set of annual reports from late 1940s to 1990s, some minutes of annual meetings, income and expenses ledgers for 1915-1974, a small amount of correspondence about relations with the consulate, requests for aid, notices to members, and other topics. There is an alphabetical card file of Swiss men and women who received aid from the Society which includes person's name, age, sometimes occupation, Swiss city of origin, amounts given, sometimes if the aid was refused, and sometimes the purpose of the moneys given. There is also a copy of Sophie G. Bollier's will and a court document regarding her estate.
Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint PatrickSociety of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick records, 1771-1982, undated (Collection 1152) 4 boxes 11 volumes (3 linear ft.)The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick was founded in 1771 as a social organization for men of Irish heritage. The original organization was dissolved by 1798. In 1792, the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland was incorporated, with much of its membership overlapping with the Friendly Sons. In 1898 the Hibernian Society changed its name to the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland. The initial accession consists of: Rules and minute book, 1771-1797; minute books, 1813-1910, 1935-1956, 1960-1982; record of fees for membership, dinners and scholarship fund, 1954-1960; annual toasts, 1853-1880; portraits of early members; constitution and by-laws, 1941, 1945, 1951, 1971; membership lists, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1971; addresses presented to the society; dinner programs, 1939-1980; and other ephemera. The additions consist of programs from the society's 139th and 210th annual banquets, as well as a blank membership certificate. 2b1af7f3a8