Sherlock - Season 3Eps3
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Not every show is lucky enough to have a male lead that stands the test of time. The 100 hit the series' lottery with Bellamy Blake, a character that only got better and more beloved as the seasons went on.
For Bellamy, that meant season after season of death and destruction, all in the name of someday doing better. There was that promise of a happy ending without any follow-through, even though Bellamy deserved happiness the most.
The 100 Season 3 is where everything took a turn, with the show using Bellamy as a scapegoat for the journey they chose to explore. After two seasons of telling the story from the main character's point of view, suddenly, The 100 needed to refocus on Grounders and paint them in the best light.
And this was a pattern that the entire season struggled with. They put characters like Bellamy and Jasper into bad mental health states without doing the actual work of trying to get them out. There wasn't enough thought put into the message that comes from watching these two main characters struggle with their existence.
This continued throughout the season, with Bellamy having to play a mediator between Echo and Octavia. There were attempts to explore how that role takes a toll on him, but not enough of that was done for the good of Bellamy's individual journey.
It was invigorating getting to explore that action with Bellamy at the helm of it, especially when rescuing Clarke Griffin. But as the season wrapped and Bellamy was pulled into another storyline, you have to wonder how much Season 6 contributed to its male lead.
The 100 grew bored of investing in Bellamy Blake's story as it pertains to him, just like they grow bored with many main characters after several seasons. And instead of remembering that the show still needs to allow the lead male character to prosper, he instead became a driving force for everyone else's story.
The show then continued by randomly stringing him and the fans along. He was there for a hazy memory, but then he was "gone" once again. None of the characters were allowed to mourn him for very long, even though everyone pretended that was an actual death for a plot twist later in the season.
From there, The 100 had Jackson bring up drama from two seasons ago to Madi. At first, it didn't make sense why Bellamy's difficult decision to protect both Madi and Clarke was circulating again. But then you think about how it was setting Bellamy back up in the villain role to prepare for his death.
Then for that final dig, the show created some chaos with Echo to keep the season going from episode to episode and then dug her out of that hole by throwing Bellamy into it. Echo spent the better half of the season using Bellamy as a reason to murder others and to be her usual unruly self.
Bellamy was first erased from the narrative, then he was torn apart in it, and finally, he was discarded by it. His voice was nonexistent in his final season; instead, the narrative spoke about him, and then the only episode dedicated to him was about molding him to sell an alien afterlife that made no sense anyway.
It is still mindblowing to think that in a single scene (and a single season), all the potential over the last six years was just ruined. The narrative can pretend that last-minute decision made sense, but all it really did was insult the hard work that got Bellamy and Clarke where they were before.
The Bellamy and Clarke that we saw in the last season were nothing but shells of their former selves. They weren't there most of the time, and when they were, it was to serve as pawns on the showrunner's chessboard. And this season proved how easy it was for the player to sacrifice his greatest assets for the sake of shock value.
It's not the fans' fault that they fell in love with something too powerful for the show actually to commit to in the end. And pretending that Season 7 made any sense when it came to Bellamy and Clarke's bond is pretending the final season thought about the journey on the way to the destination.
Instead, it was like The 100 wasn't even making a statement about how much of Bellamy's heart was on the line each season; it was an acceptable loss to help support the season's plot more than anything else.
Bellamy and Clarke's relationship isn't the only thing the audience was robbed of, but it was the biggest one considering how important it was to the essence of The 100. Bellamy and Clarke coming together were what built The 100 in its premiere season.
The story wouldn't have gotten that far if the show hadn't clung to the enemies to partners to best friends gold that they found in their two leads. That is what the audience found themselves invested in, and that is what built another season.
They not only became each other's person; they were navigating what that meant in this world that they were still learning. And it was that separation and what that meant for the leader duo that moved the show into the next season.
From there, the third season explored what it was like to have Bellamy and Clarke at odds when they know how much they matter to each other. Like the first season, they didn't see eye to eye, but this time it was from a more emotionally triggering lens.
That was then a bridge to the fifth season, but this time it was Clarke who has realized things and has to struggle with that. Bellamy had to move on during the time jump while Clarke clung to a future with him in it.
Bellamy spent that entire season trying to get back his soulmate and was forced to deal with the genuine loss ahead. Meanwhile, Clarke was trying to save herself and at the same time was trying to reach out to the one person she knew could save her.
No one knows the essence of who he was, like the audience that followed him for seven seasons, and no one deserves to decide how Bellamy should be remembered like his fans. He was seen for who he really was by those that truly knew him for all these seven seasons, the fans.
How are you feeling looking back on That episode and the season as a whole? Did Season 7 ruin the legacy of The 100 for you? What kind of ending would you have liked to see for Bellamy Blake? Has your opinion changed on anything now that the show has been done for a little while? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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